Author: Micheal Aro

  • Intelligent Shopping List – Summary

    The Eddi Nez Shopping List is a project I did in 2019 as a submission for the EDEKA Smart Shopping-list Competition. It was one of the most exhausting projects, I have ever done, because I made it entirely with Javascript, IndexDB and HTML instead of PHP and MySQL, which would have been VERY easy, since…

  • Intelligent Shopping List

    The Eddi Nez Shopping List is a project I did in 2019 as a submission for the EDEKA Smart Shopping-list Competition. It was one of the most exhausting projects, I have ever done, because I made it entirely with Javascript, IndexDB and HTML instead of PHP and MySQL, which would have been VERY easy, since…

  • Newssynd – Advanced RSS Feed Syndication

    RSS and Blogs are basically two of the most important things that happened to the early Internet – World wide Web, in terms of interpersonal Communication. RSS (originally RDF Site Summary; later, two competing approaches emerged, which used the backronyms Rich Site Summary and Really Simple Syndication respectively)[2] is a web feed[3] which allows users and applications to access updates to websites in a standardized, computer-readable…

  • Study Less, Study Smart

    How to learn by Marty Lobdell. This video is one of my favourites. Below is the video and a link to a 6-minute summary.

  • Files and Tools used on this website

    In accordance to the attribution laws, here are lists of files and data used in this project. They may be copyright protected. I do not take responsibilty for misuses, please check with respective authors, before using these files. Most of them are only available for non-commercial uses. PHOTO EDIT THEME PICTURES…

  • Hello world!

    while(true){ beHappy(); //😉 }