Author: Micheal Aro
Intelligent Shopping List – Summary
The Eddi Nez Shopping List is a project I did in 2019 as a submission for the EDEKA Smart Shopping-list Competition. It was one of the most exhausting projects, I have ever done, because I made it entirely with Javascript, IndexDB and HTML instead of PHP and MySQL, which would have been VERY easy, since…
Intelligent Shopping List
The Eddi Nez Shopping List is a project I did in 2019 as a submission for the EDEKA Smart Shopping-list Competition. It was one of the most exhausting projects, I have ever done, because I made it entirely with Javascript, IndexDB and HTML instead of PHP and MySQL, which would have been VERY easy, since…
Newssynd – Advanced RSS Feed Syndication
RSS and Blogs are basically two of the most important things that happened to the early Internet – World wide Web, in terms of interpersonal Communication. RSS (originally RDF Site Summary; later, two competing approaches emerged, which used the backronyms Rich Site Summary and Really Simple Syndication respectively)[2] is a web feed[3] which allows users and applications to access updates to websites in a standardized, computer-readable…
Study Less, Study Smart
How to learn by Marty Lobdell. This video is one of my favourites. Below is the video and a link to a 6-minute summary.
Files and Tools used on this website
In accordance to the attribution laws, here are lists of files and data used in this project. They may be copyright protected. I do not take responsibilty for misuses, please check with respective authors, before using these files. Most of them are only available for non-commercial uses. PHOTO EDIT THEME PICTURES…