Aro Micheal
Developer, Programmer and aspiring Mechanical Engineer.
Professional Programmer at an IT Company that develops E-Commerce Solutions and Software for some of the largest B2C shops in Germany. Mechanical Engineering Student at a University of Applied Sciences in Germany.
I studied Computer Science at the University of Ibadan, Oyo State from February 2015 to July 2017.
I have about 9 years programming experience in developing native Applications for Android devices with Java and I have been working with Web Core languages like PHP, MySQL, Javascript and HTML as well as Hybrid mobile Apps with Ionic. I have started building interesting apps with Flutter and working on my Linux Raspberry PI device now. I recently built a server that I am tring to maintain at home. I use popular Frameworks like Jquery, Laravel for PHP, ButterKnife for Android, Bootstrap, Ionic and Angular in projects I build.
I recently completed the book Head First Python and I have started building amazing things with Python. Recently, I worked on an Image Parsing, Detection and Recognition and Recognition Project using OpenCV 2 and Haarcascade XMLs.

Programming: Some of my programming prowess include PHP, JS,CSS, Angular, Flutter, WordPress, Git, Python, Laravel, jQuery, Docker, Native App Development for Android with Java
In my projects I use Bootstrap, Typescript, Ionic and NodeJS. I also help improve open-sourced projects.
My favourite video games includes Call of duty, PUBG, Fifa (or Pro Evolution Soccer), Solitaire, Dame, Chess, Mau-Mau, 2048 and Clash of Clan.
I have been reading a lot – Actions, Mystic, Adventures – almost all Sherlock Holmes, Around the world in 80 days, books from Williams Shakespeare.
Skateboarding and Cycling Hobby.
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